

We believe that music played in a church setting should be respectful to a Holy God. God accepted the instruments that David had ordained (II Chronicles 29:27), but rejected a similar invention of music in Amos 6. There is music that honors God and there is music that does not (see Exodus 32). Although music is an expression of the soul, and is open to interpretation, when it produces feelings or attitudes that are contrary to a respectful praise of a Holy God, it is counter-productive for moving God's people closer to Him.

Free Music Audio

Gospel River - a repository of free conservative hymn recordings.

PublicDomainAudioBibles.com - free instrumental hymn recordings.

SmallChurchMusic - Massive repository of free hymn music including Piano, Organ and sheet music.
Note: Most examples are conservative, but there are also "band" versions of many of the songs.

Sarah Bereza - Professional Organ and Piano Music recordings.
Note: Sarah Bereza is an Organist & Pianist for a United Church of Christ church in St. Louis. The vast majority of her recordings are conservative.