
Courses & Content

Introduction to Courses and Content.

Free Courses & Content

Ancient Lyre - an examination of biblical music. Explores ancient music and explains the findings of Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura.

Biblical Training - Free online video courses for a wide range of topics, some of which are at a seminary level.
Note: The content follows the typical doctrinal position of modern and post-modern theological seminaries, including issues of Calvin, Wesleyan, and Nestle-Aland perspectives.

Partially free

Way of Life Literature - online courses, videos, and books, some of which are free.

Not free

Revival Focus - Evangelism resources - The ministry of John Van Gelderen, an evangelist and author. Material focuses on communion with the Holy Spirit.
Note: John Van Gelderen does not hold to the Texus Receptus and does not use the KJV. He also leans toward some minor charismatic-like activity.

Study GreekBill Mounce - The easiest and most efficient way to learn Greek available today.
Note: Bill Mounce does not use the Texus Receptus, and agrees with the translation philosophy used by Nestle-Aland.

Walk Thru the Bible - An archive of video series and courses. Founded by Bruce Willkinson. Of particular note are the two classic courses, 7 Laws of the Learner, and 7 Laws of the Teacher.

Bruce Wilkinson's current website - with newer courses on leadership and communication.

Striving Together - The publisher of Living Hymns, also providing a range of books and curriculum.